Review Notice

1. Reviewers should assess manuscripts honestly, objectively, and fairly, upholding academic integrity and respecting academic freedom. They should not discriminate based on the author's country, institution, race, religion, political beliefs, gender, etc., and must maintain confidentiality before the work is publicly published, not disclosing the author's research content.

2. When a reviewer has a conflict of interest with the author (e.g., familial relationship, student-teacher relationship, alumni relationship, colleague relationship, competitive relationship), to ensure the fairness of the review, the reviewer should consult the editorial office for further advice in a timely manner.

3. When reviewers find that the research conducted by the author is similar to their own, the review should not contain unverified or malicious criticism or unfair content, avoiding unfounded accusations.

4. Reviewers should review manuscripts promptly according to the agreement. If they cannot complete the review on time, they should inform the editorial office and return the manuscript for review, recommending other reviewers if necessary. Without the consent of the editorial office, reviewers should not delegate the review to their students, colleagues, etc.

5. Reviewers who encounter manuscripts they have reviewed before should report the situation to the editorial office and provide review comments according to the journal's inclusion standards.

Pubdate: 2016-03-25    Viewed: 712